Democratic Politics

Chapter : 2. What is Democracy? Why Democracy?

What is Democracy ?

A Simple Definition and its Critical Estimate :
Democracy, in simple words, is described as form of government in which the rulers are elected by the people. This definition makes one thing very clear that rulers in democracy are elected by the people. Definition, we can easily say that because the rulers of countries like Nepal, Saudi Arabia, Myanmar are not elected by the people, so these countries are not democratic.
But this simple definition is not adequate. But all governments that hold elections are not democracies. In Pakistan and China, elections are held but the elected representatives in Pakistan are controlled by the military officers and General Parvez Musharraff while in China, only those candidates are allowed to stand in election which have got the approval of the Chinese Communist Party, none other are allowed to seek elections. One party rule does not establish a democracy. So this definition is not adequate.

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